2020 Census Community Challenge
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many residents may have forgotten about the Census. Mayor Jim Strickland needs your help and is issuing a challenge to community leaders and organizations to increase the self- response rate with the 2020 Census Community Challenge.
How Does it Work?
Based on current Census data, neighborhood organizations, CDCs, nonprofits, and community organizations will be invited to participate and register. Each organization will then be given the current response rate for its neighborhood census tract. The neighborhoods with the highest improved response rate from the time of entry will win a fantastic prize for their community.
To qualify, your neighborhood Census Tract must currently have a self-response rate of 60% or less. (see Census map below for details)
1st place- Security Cameras placed in a designated area in your community
2nd Place- Community Marker to designate your neighborhood
3rd place- Community Beautification project in your neighborhood